
Posts Tagged ‘hit and run’

The Girl (age 11) is really enjoying her 6th grade reading class because her teacher believes in letting the kids choose what books they want to read so they will enjoy reading.  Every weeknight for homework, she has to read for 30 minutes, log the number of pages she read, and get my signature.  So this is the first of many books she hopes to share here during the school year.

She recently finished Hit and Run by R.L. Stine, reading the same tattered copy I had when I was around her age.  I’d forgotten it was in a box of books I’d passed on to her and was surprised when she pulled it out of her (massive) R.L. Stine collection.  She wanted me to ask her questions, rather than write up a review.

First, here’s the back-of-the book summary:

Eddie, Scott, Winks, and Cassie.  They went out for a drive one night.  Just to practice, so Eddie would be sure and get his license.

Then Eddie had a little accident.  Now four friends share a terrible secret.

Because Eddie hit someone and killed him.

Didn’t he?

Tell us about Hit and Run in 5 sentences or less.

Hit and Run is about four very close friends, who are all getting ready to take their driver’s tests.  Eddie is the most scared about the test, so one night they use his parents’ car to practice driving.  A man is standing in the road in front of them, frozen in fear, caught in the headlights.  They feel a bump; they hit him.  They don’t want to get caught by the police, but they don’t want to leave the body in the road.

What drew your attention to this book?

It’s by R.L. Stine, who is one of my favorite authors.  The back cover sounded interesting.  And the blood stain on the front cover is cool.

Tell us something interesting about the main character(s).

My favorite of the characters was Winks because he always played funny practical jokes on Eddie.  One time, he got an eyeball from Eddie’s cousin, who works at the morgue.  Winks pretends that his eyeball falls out and holds it in his hand.

How did this book compare to those in the Goosebumps series?  Was it scarier?

I didn’t think the book was scarier, but I thought it was one of the best R.L. Stine books I’ve read so far.  It’s definitely for an older audience than the Goosebumps books.

Did you like the book?  Would you recommend it to your friends?  Would you recommend it to adults?

I did like it.  I’d give it 4 out of 5 stars.  I would recommend it to readers who like thrillers with a twist.  Some adults might enjoy it, too.

Have any of you read the book? What did you think?

Disclosure: The Girl read my old copy of Hit and Run, which I purchased so long ago I didn’t even remember I owned it. I am an IndieBound affiliate and an Amazon associate.

© 2011 Anna Horner of Diary of an Eccentric. All Rights Reserved. Please do not reproduce or republish content without permission.

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